Profiled Expert
Meet Paul Kamphuis… 500 hockey turfs and counting
As Polytan’s General Manager for Asia-Pacific and Global Lead for Sport Group’s hockey business, Paul Kamphuis’ career has included four Olympic Games and three World Cups. Since then, he has captained the installation of close to 500 hockey turfs.
How did you start building hockey facilities?
I am a qualified civil engineer and started with Polytan in 2004, looking after the construction of sports facilities in the Asia-Pacific region. One of my first projects was the hockey pitch surfacing for the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne. Since then, I have been very fortunate to manage delivery of the hockey turfs at every Olympic Games.
“I love that hockey is a truly global game. Very few sports have that sort of inclusivity and this is something that hockey should be very proud of.”
What attracted you to hockey?
I love that hockey is a truly global game. It has an equal male/female split and competition structures spanning from Under 8s to Over 80s. Very few sports have that sort of inclusivity and this is something that hockey should be very proud of.
What does it take to deliver world-class turfs around the world?
Patience, understanding and respect. Working in different countries can be very challenging. There is often a language barrier and it can be difficult to explain technical detail.
When we become involved in the design and construction of sports facilities in different countries, one of the first and most important steps is developing an understanding of local design standards and construction practices.
The best outcomes will always be achieved when these local approaches can be effectively incorporated. That way the local workers are using approaches and materials that they are accustomed to, even if they have never constructed a hockey facility before.
What does the future hold for hockey surfacing and how is Sport Group leading the way?
We will continue to work closely with the athletes, the FIH, facility managers, coaches – the whole hockey family - to identify what matters. We will then look to innovate in ways that enhance the sport and help grow the game. Our commitment to sustainable hockey turf and portable pitch technology are examples of current innovations that are helping to transform hockey now.